Sunday, September 12, 2010

Morning People

So everyone was all: "You have to see Angor Wat! And you HAVE to see it at sunrise!"

So this night person woke her ass up at 4am, traveled through dark and scary rice paddy fields in a tuk tuk that broke down TWICE, braved the malarial mosquitoes and was at Angor Wat to see the sunrise.

And you know what? It was nothing spectacular. You morning people are CRAZY. Everything's still there at noon. Oh, and at that point I've slept in and don't want to murder the small children trying to sell me postcards.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Halong Bay, Vietnam

This didn't suck.

Hey, Who's That In the Background???

These pics don't suggest I do a very good job at staying out of the shot but...oops.

(Oh, and thanks Aaron for having so little to do at work....) xo

And click on the link to Kyung's story; it's super cool.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What 21 Bucks A Night Buys You in Hoi An, Vietnam:

View of pool and back garden (as seen from the restaurant serving up the complimentary breakfast buffet).


So Pretty!

Everything here is garnished so extravagantly, whether it's a drink or your afternoon ice cream. Cinnamon ice cream ALWAYS tastes better with a pineapple spear and a kicky pink umbrella...

Saturday, August 28, 2010